
All information provided on this website is provided “as-is” without warranty of any kind. Your access to and use of the information related to feed materials notified by feed business operators is at your sole risk. No warranty or representation is made, express or implied, that the information contained or referenced herein is accurate, current, or complete. Furthermore, the developers and owners of this website shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for direct, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damage resulting from the use of, or inability to use, any of the information contained or referenced in this website or any information that is provided through linked websites. The developers and owners of this website reserve their rights to remove illegal or abusive notifications.

Feed material name

(in English)

Category :
 Add language

Company’s name :

(placing the product on the market)

Registration number as Feed Business Operator :
Address of the company :
Zip code :
City :
Country :

Notifying Company’s name :

(if different from the one placing the product on the market)

Address of the notifying company :
Your first name :
Your last name :
Your email address :
Your phone number :
Characteristics / Description (in English)
250 characters remaining

Classification check *
* Please check the status of your product via the FEFANA classification tool available at http://fefana.org (opens up in new tab) and upload the outcome of your check.
Only pdf files are accepted. Use preferably Google Chrome to produce the pdf report.
Please note that this classification tool is meant to help feed business operators establish the status of their product. However, the outcome of this check cannot be regarded by any means as a validation of the legal status of the product.

Attach other files :

By clicking on the 'submit' button below, I have read and accepted all rules and recommendations laid down in the guide to notifier. I confirm that the product notified is a feed material in accordance with the EU guidelines for the distinction between feed materials, feed additives, biocidal products and veterinary medicinal products (EU Commission recommendation 2011/25) and is not a feed additive listed in the EU register of feed additives. By clicking on the link below, I confirm the registration of the product in the register of feed materials.

”Indicate the Type of feed material (vegetable, mineral, animal), the process from which the feed material results if relevant, the genuine name of the raw material the feed material is produced from (e.g. wheat if the feed material is a co-product from wheat processing) and the main nutrients provided (i.e. source of protein and/or fatty acids and/or calcium and/or carbohydrates, etc.) or carrier”